The first quiz Askean quiz night at the Rectory Field took place last Friday 22nd July and was a major success (despite my participation…or rather lack of it!)
More than 40 entrants passed through the entrance (more if you count the randoms who wandered in at some point only to look rather mystified when confronted with Quiz master Nick asking “Who wrote the Canterbury Tales?”) The most enterprising answer being Mrs Canterbury – we should have invited him onto our team!
The 40 odd (no jokes please) who made up the contestants featured 10 teams, all of whom entered into the spirit (and beer).
In addition to the numerous Askean teams there was a charming group of squash ladies who added some much -needed glamour (sorry if I should have Woke up there)
The MC was mastermind lookalike Nick Jones who has previous for running excellent quiz nights – having been in charge at the recent Tennis soiree.
I was waiting with (pickled onion) bated breath to be asked “Do you know the bloke who broke both legs at Wembley?” or “What is the last line from the classic movie ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’?”
I knew these following some late- night homework the previous week in preparation for the quiz.
Unfortunately, and somewhat unexpectedly, neither of these came up – nor did any of the other ones I’d (somewhat appropriately) mugged up on – plus learning the “Name the only footballer to score on his debut for every England team, including schoolboy, U19, U21 and full International.
My now, rather obvious mistake was to fail to Google any of the idiots who are on reality TV (or ‘making stupid people famous’ to give it it’s real genre), forgotten X Factor winners, obscure Kings and Queens or historical tag lines for chockie bars (some of which you can no longer purchase!)
The poor unfortunates who mistakenly invited me to join their team, soon discovered my total lack of any useful knowledge, but were kind enough not to greet my suggestions with the derision they deserved – although, to be fair this may have had something to do with my contribution of a few nibbles and a jar of pickled onions.
Our team comprised Chairman (of Askeans, not our team – we were a wholly democratic collective) Boney, Mrs Boney (the lovely Sandi), Jill and Jerry, PA (Paul – not a lovely assistant) et moi (my schoolboy French similarly proving to be of absolutely no use - I blame quiz king Nick).
Despite my efforts we, somewhat surprisingly, managed to come second. This turned out to less of a practical triumph as, in an obvious tribute to the legendary ‘Chunky Raffles’ ,there were no second prizes.
The winners, by some distance were Frank and his Greenwich Vets – who apparently were not on call to stick their hands up some poor cows bum. If they had been we might have scraped an unlikely win. Only kidding – if I’d known they were going to be there I would have taken my albino cat Blackie along – she’s looking a bit pale.
Frank instantly raced to the bar to exchange their loot for some lashings of Speckled Hen – presumably before Rishi stuck another tax on it.
The prize for second to last went to ‘Team Danny’ which included Lunny, Timmy, Piers and Danny (obviously) – the result virtue of some clever tactical manoeuvring on their part.
A brilliant evening orchestrated by Lunny – and the forerunner of many more Askean social events planned for the next few months.
Oh yeah – and if you want to know the answers to the questions I posed earlier – it’s ‘Evil Kneivel’, “Attaboy Clarence” and ‘Roy of the Rovers’
See you next time!