support us
There are many ways you can support Friends of Askean RFC:
Join our Askean Supporter donation scheme
Make a lump-sum donation
Leave a legacy
Support our various fundraising events
askean supporter donation scheme
Joining the Askean Supporter Donation Scheme will allow you to set up a regular donation to Friends of Askean RFC.
Lump-sum donation
There will be times when we will have a special campaign to raise funds, such as securing the playing future of Askeans RFC. Or perhaps, like Mike Lalley, you feel the time is right to support Askean RFC with a lump sum donation.
To make a lump-sum donation through your bank, our details are:
​Account name: Friends of Askean RFC
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00033886
IBAN: GB48CAFB40524000033886
If you would like to discuss making a lump-sum donation, email us at info@friendsofaskeanrfc.com and our Treasurer, Ian Johns, will be pleased to talk it through with you!
A charitable legacy is a gift that something leaves to a charitable organisation in their Will.
If you are thinking about leaving a legacy to Friends of Askean RFC, we strongly advise that you discuss this with your legal representative and family.
If you do decide to leave a legacy to Friends of Askean RFC, please do let us know by emailing our Treasurer, Ian Johns: info@friendsofaskeanrfc.com
Fundraising events
There is a great tradition in the United Kingdom of supporting charities through various fundraising events, such as The London Marathon, Prudential Bike Ride 100, London to Paris bike ride, Thames Path Walk. They are a great and fun way to support Friends of Askean RFC.
If you would like to undertake a fundraising event and wish to sponsor Friends of Askean RFC, please do contact us - we will ensure you have all of the support and publicity we can give you.
News of any fundraising events undertaken by fellow Askeans and supporters will be posted to our News & Events page.