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The Future is Bright - The Future is Askeans!

‘Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated’ Mark Twain

There can be little argument that rugby at all levels, especially grass roots, is facing an uncertain future.

You wouldn’t have thought so if you’d been at the Askean ‘Open Day’ last Saturday.

A sizeable crowd of players, families, supporters and former players gathered at the Rectory Field to hear the exciting plans for the second half of the season and beyond.

Amongst the gathering were players from Greenwich University including their captain Dom, as well as Askeans Jack and Lewis with their partners Holly and Chris. As always Danny was also in attendance.

Without a fixture that day, the club took the opportunity for a social event which concentrated on several key areas:

Recruitment, Lend a Hand, Player Involvement in Club Management, Upcoming Matches & Social Events……………and Slovakia Tour 2024!!

After a substantial, excellent and very reasonably priced curry provided by Kerina and Marilyn it was time to focus on the objectives of the open day.

Chairman Steve 'Boney' Homewood outlines ambitious plans

Steve ‘Boney’ Homewood outlined the ambitious plans, especially inviting players to be involved in Club Management, whilst a number of the forwards (most of them, obviously) were naan too slow (seriously?) in tucking into their second helpings of jalfrezi and bhajis. This having the additional benefit of keeping any (supposedly) witty heckling to a minimum.

Paul ‘PA’ Walsh took over and explained the ‘Lend a Hand’ programme designed to afford the opportunity for anyone and everyone to get involved in developing the club’s future.

Paul had produced a comprehensive programme detailing all the plans and a copy is attached to this report.

Paul finished by outlining the plans for an end of season tour 'Slovakia Tour 2024' which has been suggested by supporter Terry Purton, who lives there in the Spring & Summer and is active in Slovakian Rugby. This was greeted with some enthusiasm – not least by the former players who fancied going for a few pints of Zlaty Bazant without actually having to play.

A tour committee will be organised and Chris offered to ‘Lend a Hand’ in managing the tour, having previous experience of organising a choir tour – hopefully she knows what she’s letting herself in for……and that Lewis doesn’t tell her what happens on rugby tours!

It was then the turn of ‘Local Hero’ (see the Honda Awards page) Lunny to emphasise the importance of maintaining and expanding our recruitment efforts for the rest of the season (and beyond).

Paul then presented a cheque for £500 to Dom, our donation in support of the Greenwich University team.

Lunny finished by thanking Mike ‘Two Sheds’ Lalley for his continued support and his generous offer to match the donations collected through our charity 'Friends of Askean RFC' for the proposed tour to Slovakia

The future of the Askean Rugby Club is in good hands!

PS The 2nd half of the season starts in earnest this Saturday 4th February, with the Counties 4 Kent Shield (Pool B) match vs Sidcup (Away 2.30 pm K.O.).

Please look at our Calendar or Events and Fixture List 2022-2023 for further details

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